A perfect story, based on the novel by Elisabet Benavent, has now received a web series adaptation on Netflix starring Anna Castillo as Margot and Álvaro Mel as David in the lead roles. Directed by Chloe Wallace, it also stars Ana Belén, Jimmy Castro, Tai Fati and others, and has been written for the screen by Marina Pérez. With 5 episodes in the first season of the limited series, the duration of the episodes of the Spanish romantic drama ranges from 35-53 minutes. Released in full on Netflix on July 28, 2023, the show is rated Mature due to nudity and intimate scenes. English subtitles and other language dubs are also available on the streaming platform. Stars: Anna Castillo, Ingrid García Jonsson, Álvaro Mel As Margot's wedding day approaches, her fear of the situation expands even more. Despite being in love with her fiancée, her life marked by restrictions and opulent decorum barely leaves her a window open to breathe freely. While being a hotel heiress has her socioeconomic a...
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