Originally known as Falso Amor, Deep Fake Love is a reality television series hosted by Spanish host Raquel Sánchez-Silva. The series, which uses deep fake technology to test its participants, consists of 8 episodes, with the finale airing on Netflix on July 13, 2023, each lasting around 50 minutes.
The moment you start watching Deep Fake Love, you are punched in the face with the realization that perhaps these people were promised an acting job before joining the reality TV show. I'm so confused about the contestants - some are engaged to be married and still seem to have very little trust in their partners. It amazes me that you can say yes to marrying someone and still not trust them 100%. Like, how are you taking such a big step without being sure of the person you marry?
I also don't understand this crazy need for people to try to "test" their partners. It's like, if you need to test and see if your partner will cheat on you or not, then the relationship is over anyway. But hey, when they start the show, they cry and confess their love to them in such a way that they don't have any problem. It's one or the other: you can't be safe in your relationship and you can't trust your partner either. I feel like I'm stuck in a post-apocalyptic world where people just change their minds about their thoughts on relationships.
Every time another stupid relationship-related Netflix show comes out, I'm left flabbergasted at how utterly silly it's all getting. However, I guess you have to remind yourself that this is completely scripted and badly acted, so, you know, there's still some hope left in the world surrounding love and relationships. Either way, it's the drama that the series tries to generate that's really upsetting and uncomfortable to watch.
There are a lot of sex scenes that are too much. I question anyone who does this to another person; Like, there's a scene where strangers slather body lotion on each other in the most sexual way possible, and I'm not sure why. Are you breaking down when your partner is doing something similar, but you don't stop doing it? I don't understand the hypocrisy. People talk about hooking up with those they met 5 minutes ago and are fine with "letting go", throwing away a relationship of a year (or more), and it's just amazing.
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