"Wake up, Carlos!" is a Brazilian animated series directed by Juliano Enrico. "Wake up, Carlos!" is an incredibly funny adult animated series. It is created as if it were a children's series, but after two minutes we realize that it is definitely not intended for children.
The show is full of substance use jokes and metaphors that are sure to make you laugh. You'll find children with dark circles under their eyes as if they had stayed up all night, children consuming ice creams and “magical” candy bags as if they were addicted to other substances, and an island of fun that seems like something out of a trippy nightmare.
Star: Bill Butts
This is a comedy intended for adults, specifically for those who have spent many nights away from home, perhaps not always being "nice" and indulging in things that weren't entirely legal in some states.
"Wake up, Carlos!" it's incredibly clever, with its 2D animation and constant references to substance use, without actually saying so. It's a humor reminiscent of Snoop Dog, but narrated like a children's bedtime story.
If we consider it from the point of view of the creators, they have not declared anything yet. The writers and animators are probably looking for a good response from the audience. The show may be broadcast in Portuguese, but it will soon be available in English as well. If you watch the comment section of the trailer on YouTube, you can see how excited people are about its release.
We have a very short preview of Acorda, Carlo! from Netflix Brazil at least a month ago. We get the full trailer, and in a few weeks, there are 1.7 million views. Right now, we are one day away from the release of the first season of the series. And from the audience side, we're speculating that each of us will welcome it with open arms.
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