The first episode premiered on July 5, 2023 on Netflix. My Happy Marriage (My Blissful Marriage) or Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon is an upcoming anime series premiering on Netflix. Based on the light novel of the same name written by Akumi Agitogi and illustrated by Tsukiho Tsukioka, it also has a manga adaptation illustrated by Rito Kohsaka.
The live-action film adaptation of the fantasy series opened in Japan in March 2023. Following the story of Miyo, who enters an arranged marriage with a ruthless commander, its own anime series has been officially announced to be directed by Takehiro Kubota. under Kinema Citrus. Studies. Ami Satō, Takahito Ōnishi, and Momoka Toyoda are credited as writers, and Evan Call provides the music.
Stars: Reina Ueda, Jessica DiCicco, Damien C. Haas
Haunted by her stepmother and her stepsister, Miyo hopes to escape her misfortune. This is another Cinderella inspired story where she will make your heart race or you will find her completely boring. The first episode sets the premise for how the rest of the story will unfold, and one can pretty well predict what will happen next. However, the stunning animation will surely keep you hooked till the end.
Miyo, an educated and simple girl, is treated as a mere servant by her father and her stepmother after the death of her mother when she was a little girl. She doesn't expect anything good to happen in her life, but she still hopes for a better future, showing the pure yearning for her. However, she forces herself to expect the worst in an attempt to protect herself from further heartbreak.
Miyo's enchanting journey is shown against the backdrop of a vibrant city. The animation beautifully captures the essence of the place, which is set in historical Japan. They all wear kimonos that show the country's rich culture, including traditional Japanese architectural houses that transport us to a whole new world and era.
Using technical camera angles that showcase immersive sequences for the audience to relate to and understand the depth of a situation is done exceptionally well. The brutal juxtaposition of painful reality and pristine imagery runs through the entirety of the episode. Also, the detailed character design adds to the beauty of the series it offers. It has the ability to evoke a variety of emotions. The seamless transitions from one scene to another will touch your heart.
Apart from the animation, the background music elevates the narrative process and creates a world of enchantment and agony. Although the story contains no twists and turns, it manages to grab the attention of the audience and make everyone ask for more. The audience instantly sympathizes and supports the character with a cruel backstory; However, only in the next few episodes will we know if she lives up to the hype. So far, she hasn't deviated from the source material, which keeps fans of the manga satisfied.
The first episode of the series serves as a proper introduction to the series. Miyo's unfortunate life is shown in detail without going any further and showing the next phase of her life. Also, the introduction of a new character at the end surely adds to the ambiguity of the show and keeps the audience coming back for more. Animation is another crucial aspect that raises the quality of the show.
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