Lady Voyeur, also known as Olhar Indiscreet, is a Portuguese crime-thriller drama that will be released in 2023! The new Brazilian series is created by Marcela Citterio and directed by three outstanding female directors, namely Luciana Oliveira, Fabrizia Pinto and Leticia Veiga. Lady Voyeur is the story of a hacker whose life changes when she meets the man from her life. Season 1 of the series will contain four episodes and as of now, there is no word on whether there will be another part. The plot sounds quite exciting as it has a good suspense. As we saw earlier, she also meets a guy who she probably falls for (or just one night?). Will the man be her savior or his nightmare? Or is the man the reason behind the heat of the series? What about the sex worker? Why is his departure the reason behind the protagonist's problem? When the series comes out, we will know. Stars: Débora Nascimento, Emanuelle Araújo, Ângelo Rodrigues The cast of the series includes Débora Nascimento, Emanue...
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