A love story that centers around Bilal (Harshvardhan Rane) and Tara (Sonia Rathee), who are polar opposites and have different expectations of life. But there's more to it than meets the eye when their paths cross and circumstances force them into a fake marriage alliance. Bollywood has used the idea of "opposites attract" many times, and Tara vs Bilal is no exception. But it's still a sweet and simple love story that makes for a light and cheerful watch. The casting of the film is perfect. Thus, the main couple hold the fort with their natural chemistry whenever things go wrong in the movie. However, this 122-minute drama hits the nail on the head with the most important aspect of a romantic drama: the heartwarming love story. Director: Samar Iqbal Writer: Sanyuktha Chawla Shaikh Stars: Harshvardhan Rane, Sonia Rathee, Moa Wikberg The film opens in London when Tara arrives on her honeymoon to discover that her husband Karan (Sardmad Varraich) has abandoned her and...
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