“A Vampire in the Family” is a Brazilian-Portuguese language film that recently made its debut on Netflix. Directed by Alê McHaddo, this comedy-fantasy film promises a unique combination of the ordinary and the extraordinary. With a duration of one hour and 30 minutes, it aims to take viewers on a journey full of laughter, supernatural conspiracies and the challenges of family dynamics. As the title suggests, the film introduces a vampire into the daily life of Fernandinho, a former footballer turned family man. Let's delve into the details and explore the various aspects that make or break this film. The film stars Leandro Hassum and Rômulo Arantes Neto, with Leandro Hassum playing the character of Fernandinho. Subtitles are available in English and English audio is an option for viewers. This Netflix release presents an opportunity to experience Brazilian cinema and offer a taste of the country's humor, culture and storytelling. Director: Ale McHaddo Writers: Paulo Cursino, ...
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