Embark on a heartwarming journey as two brothers escape the hustle and bustle of the city in “Mob Humor.” This film, which will be released on December 22, 2023 in the United States and produced by Hawk Studios, guarantees a captivating story of family, adventure and self-discovery. Let's explore the film's age rating, cast, characters and other anticipated details that position “Mob Humor” as a must-see.
While an official rating is pending, the family-friendly nature of “Mob Humor” suggests a proposed age rating of PG (Parental Guidance). This rating indicates that some materials may not be suitable for children and parental guidance is recommended. The themes and content of the film are expected to cater to a wide audience, making it an enjoyable experience for families.
Directors: Dennyann Giambrone, Devin 'Don Cito' Meadows
Writers: Lilah Behling, Dennyann Giambrone
Stars: Andrew S Cortez, Leslie Gunter, Bella Levy
While the suggested age rating provides a general guide, individual preferences may vary. Parents are advised to watch the film in advance to determine if it is appropriate for their children. With its heartwarming essence and themes of family and adventure, “Mob Humor” is set to offer an entertaining experience for families.
In “Mob Humor,” the narrative unfolds as two brothers choose to escape the urban chaos, paving the way for a hilariously adventurous journey. The film guarantees a delicious combination of wit, humor and unexpected twists, offering a perfect comedy for audiences looking for a good laugh.
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