Eric is an upcoming Netflix drama series, starring Benedict Cumberbatch. This emotional crime drama follows a father's desperate search when his nine-year-old son disappears one morning on the way to school. It also stars Gaby Hoffmann and McKinley Belcher III.
The series is directed by Lucy Forbes, with the creative and writing prowess of BAFTA and Emmy winner Abi Morgan OBE, known for her work on “River”, “Suffragette” and “The Split”. Holly Pullinger, producer of acclaimed productions such as “This Is Going To Hurt” and “Don’t Forget The Driver”, is at the helm of production. The executive team includes Abi Morgan, Jane Featherstone, Lucy Dyke, BAFTA winner Lucy Forbes and Benedict Cumberbatch.
Creator: Abi Morgan
Stars: Benedict Cumberbatch, Gaby Hoffmann, Dan Fogler
Set against the backdrop of 1980s New York, Abi Morgan's “Eric” unfolds as an intense emotional thriller. The narrative follows Vincent, a noted puppeteer and the mind behind the beloved children's television show, "Good Day Sunshine." When Vincent's nine-year-old son Edgar mysteriously disappears on the way to school, Vincent launches a desperate search. Overcome with self-loathing and guilt, he clings to Edgar's drawings of a blue monster puppet named ERIC, convinced that featuring ERIC on television will reunite him with his long-lost son. As Vincent's distress increases, ERIC becomes his only ally amid the estrangement of his family, his colleagues, and the detectives assisting in the search to bring Edgar home.
Vincent, a prominent New York puppet maker and puppeteer, is the imaginative force behind the beloved children's television show Good Day Sunshine. Despite his high intelligence and charismatic demeanor, Vincent struggles with narcissistic tendencies. Professionally volatile, he often neglects his wife, Cassie, and his young son, Edgar, in his private life.
Raised with privilege on an upstate New York farm, Cassie discovered love for Vincent during art college, only to face the harsh realities of life. As Edgar's warm and loving mother, Cassie deals with Vincent's womanizing tendencies and unpredictable behavior, growing increasingly tired of the challenges they bring to their relationship.
With two decades in the police service, primarily spent at VICE, Ledroit has become a top MISSING PERSONS detective, driven by a sense of duty to help the overwhelmed division locate missing people. Concealing her sexuality and her committed relationship with William, Ledroit faces a critical decision when her hidden identity becomes a challenge in the workplace, forcing her to weigh the importance of protecting her secret against the urgency of solve a crucial case.
Lennie Wilson, Vincent's closest friend and colleague, is a brilliant puppeteer and a skilled creator of his own character. Embracing a life of commitment to singleness, Lennie forms a special connection with Edgar, who frequently visits the Good Day Sunshine workshop.
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