Yuki Itose, a hearing-impaired college student, has lived a life shrouded in silence since birth. His interactions with the world have been limited and mainly revolve around his old friend, Rin Fujishiro. However, his routine takes an unexpected turn during his daily commute when he encounters Itsuomi Nagi, a silver-haired multilingual person who happens to be Rin's mutual friend.
What sets Itsuomi apart is her unwavering acceptance of Rin's disability. Yuki, a quality born from his various experiences abroad. This unique perspective captivates and deeply moves Yuki, sparking the beginning of a transformative connection.
Stars: Sumire Morohoshi, Yu Miyazaki, Takeo Otsuka
When Yuki and Itsuomi separate after their initial meeting, a subtle but profound change occurs within Yuki. Her feelings for Itsuomi begin to blossom and a new world begins to unfold for both of them as they delve into exploring each other's distinctly different lives.
Itsuomi's ability to see past Yuki's hearing impairment becomes a catalyst for a meaningful connection, and the story that unfolds promises to reveal the intricate layers of their lives, creating a moving narrative of understanding, acceptance, and discovery of a new world.
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