Get ready to see more of the 2012 comedy Ted the Irreverent Bear and its sequel in an upcoming prequel series. Set in the '90s, the series explores the enduring friendship between Ted and John (originally played by Mark Wahlberg in the films and now voiced by Max Burkholder in the series). The trailer shows the duo getting up to signature antics, from pulling pranks in a high school sex education class to experimenting with drugs for the first time. Seth MacFarlane, the creator of the franchise, voices Ted and co-hosts the series.
The Ted prequel consists of seven episodes, the first 50 minutes long, followed by six 30-minute installments. The entire series will be available for streaming on the Peacock platform. This is when your binge-watching session may begin, along with a possible reason to consider using a VPN.
Creator: Seth MacFarlane
Stars: Seth MacFarlane, Max Burkholder, Scott Grimes
For US viewers, the new comedy series will be available on Peacock starting at 5 a.m. ET/2 a.m. PT on January 11.
Peacock adjusted its prices for the Premium and Premium Plus plans last year, setting them at $6 and $12 per month, respectively. Premium includes ads, while Premium Plus offers a virtually ad-free experience and additional features like the ability to download content and stream local NBC stations live.
If you're on Peacock's free tier (limited to certain existing customers), you need to upgrade to a paid plan to enjoy the full Ted season. While some recently released Peacock series, such as Twisted Metal and Based on a True Story, offer one episode on the free tier, unlocking additional content requires a subscription.
Although the 2012 movie Ted is available on Peacock, Ted 2 can be found on Warner Bros. Discovery's Max service instead of Peacock.
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