"After Death" by Stephen Gray and Chris Radtke, a faith-based documentary about near-death experiences that was produced by the same company behind "Sound of Freedom" (last summer's most popular film among people who They could accuse you of being a pedophile, I was reminded of something Lou Reed never said: “Only a select few people have been lucky enough to bask in the light of Jesus Christ during the kind of disembodied episode that might accompany a terrible car accident or a life. -salvage operation, but apparently each of them has turned it into a full-fledged race.”
Which isn't to say that Dr. Mary Neal is lying about the heart-to-heart conversation she had with the son of God after drowning in a kayak, or that ordained minister and “90 Minutes in Heaven” author Don Piper isn't Do it.
Directors: Stephen Gray, Chris Radtke
Writer: Stephen Gray
Stars: Koko Marshall, Michael Jovanovski, Kate Duffy
If we sincerely believe in the story that sold more than six million books and was adapted to film where he was played by Hayden Christensen, it is only to observe that almost dying seems to allow a dignified life. The overwhelming majority of interview subjects in “After Death” are professional people: “I saw heaven and it had a strange similarity to how it is described in Christian theology.” This is true even for the obligatory “skeptic” Michael Sabom, a former cardiologist who relies on his increasingly religious output on the physiology of near-death experiences (or NDEs) to help disguise the “” level nonsense. Club 700” of this film behind a cheap veil of pseudoscience.
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