10 Days of A Good Man is an upcoming Turkish crime thriller film, based on the novel of the same name, written by Mehmet Eroglu. The author has also worked on its adaptation into a script along with Damla Serim. It is directed by Uluç Bayraktar (known by Karadayi, Ezel).
Running for about 2 hours and 4 minutes, it is said to be the first part of a series that will be adapted from three movies in the book trilogy. The books are titled: Ten Days of the Good Man, Ten Days of the Bad Man, and Ten Days of the Curious Man. The film follows private detective Sadik as he delves into the world of the mafia, human traffickers, and murderers.
Director: Uluç Bayraktar
Writers: Mehmet Eroglu, Damla Serim
Stars: Nejat Isler, Ilayda Alisan, Ilayda Akdogan
The cast of the film includes Nejat İşler, Nur Fettahoğlu, Şenay Gürler, İlayda Alişan, İlayda Akdoğan, Erdal Yıldız, Ata Artman, Esra Ronabar, Barış Falay, Yurdaer Okur, Rıza Kocaoğlu and Kadir Çermik.
The official synopsis for the film reads: "A lawyer-turned-private investigator takes on a missing person's case, propelling him on an unexpected search that will change his life." A person has to be harmless, self-sacrificing, trustworthy, virtuous, moral, etc. But what is the use of being a good person?
If you have never hurt anyone in your whole life, can you say that you are really a good person? If you're willing to get your hands dirty for justice, does that make you a bad person? The film will tell the story of Sadik turning from an ordinary person to an anti-hero as he searches for an answer to these important questions about being good or bad.
As Sadik changes from good to bad, from bad to indifferent, those who cross his path receive their share of the tremors in his life and none of them manage to remain as clean and innocent as on the first day. Struggling to be a good man in a world filled with evil, Sadik tries to help four women whose paths cross as they try to solve a difficult case.
Realizing that the line between good and evil blurs when he finds himself embroiled in a complicated disappearance case, Sadik begins to wonder what it means to be a good person. It can be done through dialogue that can be heard in the trailer that says, "after all, even a good man can become a villain when he seeks justice."
10 Days of a Good Man is scheduled to premiere on February 10, 2023 on Netflix.
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