20th Century Studios has released a new trailer for the upcoming horror thriller The Boogeyman. The Boogeyman is based on the 1973 short story of the same name, which was written by legendary author Stephen King. The film initially went into production in 2018 with Scott Beck and Bryan Woods attached to write the project for the 20th Century Fox release. Disney's 2019 acquisition of the studio and the accompanying switch to 20th Century Studios halted production. However, The Boogeyman was revived in 2021, when Rob Savage signed on to direct from a Mark Heyman script that was heavily influenced by Beck and Woods' earlier work.
Stephen King's latest adaptation seems to be just as chilling as many of the author's other works that have hit the big screen. The Boogeyman trailer heavily features star Vivien Lyra Blair being chased and hunted by a mysterious being. It also stars Chris Messina as one of the main characters. Messina's father figure in the film was seeing a therapist in the story as he searched for answers to his ongoing personal issues and the mystery of his home life.
Director: Rob Savage
Writers: Scott Beck, Bryan Woods, Mark Heyman
Stars: Chris Messina, Sophie Thatcher, David Dastmalchian
It took a while, but King's The Boogeyman is finally getting a proper film adaptation. The trailer gives a much better idea of what to expect from the horror film, from its dark atmospheric scares to the Boogeyman himself, staying behind lead star Blair. Blair recently appeared in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series on Disney+ as a young version of the iconic Star Wars space royal Leia Organa. In the upcoming film, the girl and her older sister find themselves haunted by a mysterious figure in her home. The two then fight to get her father to pay attention.
The events of the film probably take place after the surprise death of the mother of the family, which explains the father's bland indifference to the claims of his children. The Boogeyman short story itself did not have a very developed plot, which means that the film should introduce many new details and situations that the story never had a chance to fully explore. Details on The Boogeyman remain limited, but it looks like the movie will make a lot of changes to the original story while holding on to the overarching messages and horror elements that made the short story so popular in the first place. Seasoned horror director Savage will try to make that happen.
The story focus of The Boogeyman movie will be new compared to the original. The trailer features Blair constantly, indicating that the film may show the events of her through her eyes instead of her father as in the short story. Blair has been wonderful in the big-name projects she's appeared in, and the shift in perspective could lead to an interesting Sixth Sense-like story directed by the talented young performer. Horror, violent content, teen drug use, and some strong language were the reasons given for the rating, so The Boogeyman shouldn't lack for adult themes.
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