Bholaa is a Bollywood action crime film directed by Ajay Devgn. The film's story, screenplay, and dialogue were written by Shreedhar Dubey, Aamil Keeyan Khan, and Ankush Singh. The film stars Ajay Devgn, Tabu, and Deepak Dobriyal in leading lead roles, along with Raai Laxmi, Sanjay Mishra, Makrand Deshpande, and many others who have been seen as supporting cast members.
Ajay Devgn is once again grabbing headlines after the motion poster release of his upcoming movie Bholaa 2023. Ajay Devgn and Tabu starring Drishyam 2 is already buzzing in theaters and surprisingly, Ajay Devgn has revealed the motion poster of his next film Bholaa directed by Ajay devgn starred himself in a lead role with Tabu and Sanjay Mishra.
Director: Ajay Devgn
Writers: Aamil Keeyan Khan, Ankush Singh, Shriidhar Dubey
Stars: Ajay Devgn, Tabu, Raai Laxmi
Aseem Bajaj handled the camera for the film. The music for this film was composed by Manan Bhardwaj, Nilotpal Bora and Mithun Sharma. Dharmendra Sharma did the editing. Ajay Devgn and S. R. Prabhu produced the film Bhola.
Like an action drama, Bholaa's story of his intention to meet his daughter after being released from prison is ruined by a highly detailed sting operation. which also included many chase scenes with amazing twists and turns.
Dharmendra Sharma was originally supposed to be the director of the film. After receiving acclaim for his direction of Runway 34, Ajay Devgn took over as director. It is an official remake of Lokesh Kanagaraj's Tamil blockbuster "Kaithi".
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